As far as Plame, the film largely focused on her role in the CIA to ensure Iran didn't secure weapons of mass destruction, among other undercover intelligence-gathering missions. That is before "the leak." After it happened, she stepped into the shadows while Wilson worked in the limelight to show the truth. His efforts only led to people think Plame used her role in the CIA to order Wilson to travel to Niger to investigate the source of uranium sold there, which led to his editorial in the paper. By the end Plame did speak to the public and Naomi Watts' scene was identical to what happened. They even showed the actual footage parallel with Watts' performance.
So acting and cinematography aren't the main key here. It's seeing a story of fact, and a pretty recent one at that, combined in a couple of hours to document a historic event. It's surprising Plame and Wilson turned out books so quickly when sometimes it feels like this just happened. But, it was obviously a very personal story for them both to tell since the national scandal had roots in their marriage. In the movie, the political/criminal aspects of the scandal were the focus just as much as how their relationship survived.
Watts excelled in scenes to show her character's personal strife about her marriage and strain on her family more than those about losing her career. If there is one cinema plus of Fair Game, it's Watts' acting. Otherwise, I overall enjoyed the truth at the heart of this film and attention to a story that made history.