Essentially, Cindy (Williams) and Dean (Gosling) fall in love and fall apart in this film. It happens through scenes told in past to present, both in the characters' individual lives and time together. While watching, I tried to pinpoint something that shows why they lost each other but came to realize it didn't matter, it was that they did. Cianfrance interestingly juxtaposes their building love with the fact that it dwindles and I can only describe it as watching onscreen what a labor of love Blue Valentine was for its creators and cast.
If you read Cianfrance's description of how relationships are portrayed in the film, http://www.landmarktheatres.com/letters/bluevalentine.htm it makes the most sense after you watch it
It's interesting that he says Blue Valentine is the story of him and his siblings struggling to move on from their parents' divorce. Whatever that must have felt like was clearly written into Dean and Cindy's relationship on screen. Perhaps they fall apart because they don't know anything else, but again it doesn't matter. Everyone involved in making this film took the literal story and made it for an audience to take in. If it had been a book the reader could take the words and apply them to their own life or find some alternate meaning, but as a viewer I took Blue Valentine for its brilliant face value. It has a lot of heart and love, from beginning to end.
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