Ah, another week complete in the news business. Oh, wait, there is one more update to share: Matt Damon is not dead. How do you like them apples? Earlier in the week (this post is delayed since Blogger wasn't working yesterday and most of today) my sister sent me a text, "omg Matt Damon died." I nearly kicked the bucket myself, but also couldn't even believe that would be true. She was at work and said someone told her the gossip, but checked trusty CNN and couldn't find anything. I tried Google news and the most reliable celebrity gossip source: E!, but didn't find anything either. Carla did some more digging and discovered that someone actually had the hair-brained idea to make this up two years ago and issued a story that Damon's body was found in a park where he had gone camping. As if. I never even heard about this in '09, thankfully. The brief moment where this could have actually happened was enough shock for me in one day. He's one of my favorite actors and in the Zillmer family we've started a rumor of our own that maybe Damon is our long lost brother. My mom found a picture of my Dad that we think shows a striking resemblance to Damon. Ok, it's more of an inside joke (well not anymore) than a rumor we've tried to spread. But, see for yourself.

And now I heard he is going to start directing, I'll never be able to keep up. But, I'm glad all is well in the Matt Damon world and he'll keep gracing the big screen. Now that I've taken the time to inform anyone who might have possibly also heard this news this week (I doubt it), I am signing off for the weekend. Happy Friday! See a Matt Damon movie!
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