After using up all my renewals for the documentary and having only one day left to watch, I dropped everything else I was doing and decided I needed to finally learn the story of group of singing seniors in Massachusetts.
The PBS documentary centers on a group of 80-somethings preparing for a concert while mixing in some of the main characters' life stories and music videos of their chosen song list. Chorus director and founder Bob Cilman challenges his group to sing modern tunes and the oldies during multiple rehearsals per week. What's most heartwarming and perhaps made me turn into a human waterfall (pack the Kleenex for this one folks) is their gusto to try and try again and proudly sing to a packed house of their fans.
They master singing a song with the word can in it 71 times (Yes We Can Can), hard rock from Sonic Youth (Schizophrenia), and ballads like Cold Play's Fix You. That was a somber moment in the film for me, but in the end Young @ Heart is about fun in the golden years and these seniors' goal to live it up to good music.
The story of Young @ Heart makes you step back and remember to appreciate the small things in life and that you can do anything you put your mind to.
Plus, it has one of the best soundtracks I've heard of late. The chorus is now approaching its 30th anniversary and is even going on tour next Spring. Whether they come to Minnesota or not, I highly recommend taking 90 minutes to watch Young @ Heart.
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